The illusion – Chapter 2


He reached home where Sarita was holding their daughter in her arms. She was shivering even with warm clothes and blankets on her.


“What happened?”


“The fever isn’t coming down and she has been vomiting profusely.”


“Did you give her the medicines?”


“Yes, but she puked it out. We need to take her to the doctor.”

He nodded quickly taking his daughter in his arms. Sarita got all the money they had saved for such an emergency and they left their son with the neighbors. None of the nearby doctors were available so they took her to the nearest government hospital. Luckily they always had doctors on the round. They checked her and suggested that they should admit their daughter for further inspection.


“She’s going to be fine right?”

Manoj asked the doctor.


“Yes, the tests are just to know what medicines she needs.”


All the while Sarita kept counting and recounting the money she had brought praying that she doesn’t fall short.


She was admitted and given something to ease the fever.


“The fever seems to have subsided.” He said.


Sarita nodded.


“What’s on your mind?”


“The doctor said we need to do some tests, the fees, the medicines. How will we arrange the money?”


“I have some money in my bank. I’ll get it tomorrow morning.”


They sat there looking at their daughter sleep hoping that everything gets back to normal soon. In the end, it was hope that was keeping them afloat.